The most popular taxi system in Poland!

div>We conducted a survey among taxi drivers across Poland in the Facebook group “Strefa Taxi - wsparcie dla taksówkarza,” (Taxi Zone - support for taxi drivers) which has 8.7 thousand members from the taxi industry. The representative group consisted of 114 people. Among them, as many as 38% answered the question “Which system do you use?” by choosing Tiskel! phone with a mobile app

The majority (38%) selected Tiskel, making it the most popular system in the ranking. OPST took second place with 22%, while Taxi123 came in third with 15% of the votes.

The remaining options received significantly less interest: Other – 9%, rt3000 – 6%, Atos – 4%, and the rest, including Taxicaller, Kombo, Onde, Asken, and Słup, each received 1-2% of the votes.

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